Senin, 24 Februari 2014

Bahasa Inggris_ Jurnal 2

Name :Widyaning Tyastutik
NIM   :120210204032
Class  :D
On the first meeting 8th October 2013 in English. Mrs. Yayuk explained the topic sentence. A good topic sentence serves to state an idea or an attitude about the topic is called the controlling idea. Mrs. Yayuk told us to make a topic sentence and then paragraphs. I chose the topic of "dog". I had difficulty in preparing these paragraphs. To form paragraphs, I have to make a 10-12 sentence explanations of topics. Because the task of the semester exams of course I should be learning more about word placement for maximum results. To be honest, I study hard but I am resigned to its value. The important thing I've tried to make it properly.
The second meeting, at 22nd October 2013.we discuss the readings with the title of "loneliness". The story is very motivating because it is often experienced as a young child. As usual, when reading the word we encountered an mistakes. Mrs. Yayuk gave we the right example of how to say a word with the right pronunciation.
In the third meeting, at 29th October 2013. Group 2 read their discussion about what makes them feel lonely plain. There is one person who makes me smile when listening to her read in front of the class. She tells a very trivial reasons, but I also experienced similar things. She feel lonely when no money. Can not seem to do anything, and feel sad when I just stay alone in bedroom. Mrs. Yayuk give advice. who still remembered of his advice is even though we don’t feel lonely. Do something to make you happy. Mrs. Yayuk explain luck  is when preparation meets the opportunity, so make your time use full. Finding out some activity if you feel lonely, example student organisation. Don’t make nero mind, and please say notyet for anything. Can try! you can expend knowledge.
In the fourth meeting, at 12th November 2013. In this meeting Mrs Yayuk explained about synonim no longger that not anymore and then Mrs. Yayuk teaches us answer complete sentence. Such training with our knowledge of the English language. Mrs. Yayuk told us we were "Please do not ignore english".

Every english course, I always try to sit in the front in order to more clearly observe what is delivered Mrs. Yayuk and I also noticed how Mrs. Yayuk pronounce English properly. I want to be like Mrs. yayuk which has many interesting stories of his life. The part that I like most in the english language courses at the end of the meeting when she tell piece of the story that can inspire. She had many experience and wonderfull knowledge. She was such a good person. I say it without any doubt. Mrs. Yayuk always came into classroom bring a positive attitude. She was always smiling and looked happy. I could tell that from her face. I hope one day to be like her. 

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